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On-Demand Webcast

Creating a culture where productivity improvement can thrive

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Organizations of all sizes and types will tell you productivity is important to them. But, what does it take to actually cultivate a productivity improvement culture in the workplace? 

At ActivTrak, we recognize that changing habits and behaviors requires more than willpower and discipline on the part of each individual. In order to enable productivity improvement in the workplace, organizations must build environments that foster productivity-minded individuals and teams. Leaders can do this by focusing on removing obstacles, employing productivity enablement strategies, and promoting change.

Join this webcast with Gabriela Mauch, Head of the ActivTrak Productivity Lab, to learn:

  • What it means to improve productivity in a sustainable way
  • Key components of a workplace culture where productivity improvement can flourish
  • Why a focus on continuous improvement is essential
  • 5 things you can do to prepare your business environment today