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On-Demand Webcast

How to Use Productivity Intelligence to Improve Team Performance

ActivTrak Using ActivTrak: Part 2

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a group of four people cheering with smiles holding up a big light bulb

In this webcast, Javier Aldrete, VP of Product for ActivTrak and Mark Allen, Head of Customer Experience, will walk through how they have used ActivTrak data with their own teams to identify areas for improvement, make adjustments and watch their teams achieve greater success as a result. 

Javier and Mark will cover how to:

  • Use behavioral data to prove/disprove manager intuition related to team productivity
  • Assess employee focus, effort, burnout risk and resource usage 
  • Share productivity data with your team to foster trust and transparency
  • Translate data insights into “tests” of new strategies to improve productivity

This webcast is the second in a series covering how we at ActivTrak use our solution internally to improve productivity. You can check out the first webcast in the series here.