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On-Demand Webcast

ActivTrak Reporting: What to Review Daily, Weekly, Monthly to Gain Insights

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a woman looking at her computer with a report on it

With the wealth of data ActivTrak provides, taking a structured approach to how (and when) you use the various reports and dashboards can be helpful for getting the most out of your data.

View this product training webcast to get an overview of the most important ActivTrak dashboards and reports, and a practical outline of what to review on a regular basis to gain meaningful insights from your ActivTrak data.

Specifically, you will learn: 

  • Configuration tips to ensure your data is as useful as possible

  • How to get quick, daily insights on team and individual productivity

  • Weekly and monthly trends that can help identify ways to boost productivity

  • How you can take your data further with Data Connect, our business intelligence add-on