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Real-time User Activity Monitoring

Immediately see what users are doing at that moment. Understand employee workflows, uncover compliance risks and more. Create custom schedules for monitoring user activities for teams in different locations and time zones worldwide.

Monitor User Activity in Real-Time

View team members in a full list to see activities in real-time. Quickly verify users are practicing healthy work patterns.

  • Identify real-time availability status of users to see if they are in work tasks before interrupting.
  • View a few times per day to ensure employees take breaks and end the day at reasonable times to prevent burnout.
  • Customize details displayed such as the user name, application, URL and duration of use.
  • Display a chart of each computer by individual or filter by groups.
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Team productivity dashboard via team pulse inside ActivTrak's employee productivity monitoring software

Set Flexible Schedules for Activity Monitoring

Create an unlimited number of custom reporting schedules for tracking user activities and productivity. Ensure activity data is collected only when employees are on company time. 

  • Set up unique, ever-changing schedules such as shifts, seasonal workers or third party outside contractors. 
  • Choose the appropriate data privacy setting, and control when ActivTrak monitors individuals, groups, or the entire team. 
  • Customize schedules to track only on certain days of the week &/or during specified periods throughout each day. 
  • Track anywhere from 15 minutes per day to all day every day. 
  • Set up schedules to stop monitoring on lunch breaks, right before and after work, or when employees use their work computers for personal use at home.
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A scheduling screen on the ActivTrak dashboard, showing the schedules Monday through Sunday.

The words Trust Radius in blue text.

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